From Rachel:
You've all been waiting so patiently for the sneaks of our February kit and add-on ... and I have good news. Your wait it finally over! I do have to issue one disclaimer, though: I feel these sneak peeks are somewhat incomplete given that I'm still waiting on one box of goodies, many of which make up the lovely splashes of rose and pink that are part of this month's kit. This kit is going be perfect for everyday shots, but it's also going to work great for those of you inclined to create a card for your sweetie or a Valentine layout about someone you love. Once that last box arrives in the next few days, I'll give you a few more glimpses. ;)
Meanwhile, feast your eyes on these!
Meanwhile, feast your eyes on these!
And today she was able to show more sneak peaks!
One more thing before I go, Rachel is having a contest over on the Burlap and Buttercups blog and guess what the fabulous prize is?!?!?
One lucky winner will receive this book once we hit that magic 200 number! All current followers will automatically have their name entered once in the random drawing. Here are a few other quick and easy ways to have your name entered in the drawing even more times:
1. Simply start following our blog!
2. Leave a comment letting us know you're a Facebook follower.
3. Leave a comment letting us know you posted the link to this giveaway on your own Facebook page.
As you can see, it's possible to have your name entered as many as three times ~ those are some nice odds!
Be sure to throw your name in the hat!! I have this book and it is so much fun and inspirational!!
Have a great day!!

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