Happy Monday to all! My poor blog...it's been so neglected. But I do have good reason! We've had this unwanted visitor in our house....it was a nasty, nasty crud bug called Bronchitis. We had been doing so good but then this visitor made his way into our house and had us all feeling yucky. So after a couple of weeks, he started making his way to the door and we kicked him to the curb! Good riddance! Now I just need to make a sign for the door that says "no nasty crud bugs allowed!" Lol!! Keeping my fingers crossed it works!!
Even though I've been feeling cruddy I have been getting some scrapping done. So today I wanted to finally show off the travel mini that I started back in the summer for my son who took a trip to the Northwest. Mostly I used Crate Paper's Story Teller but added in a little bit of October Afternoon's Boarding Pass and some of my fabulous SRM stickers. And this is what I made. Warning: there are a LOT of pictures! But I really hope that you enjoy seeing them! I can't wait to add the pictures and give this to my son!
Front cover
page 1
page 2
page 3
page 4
pages 5 & 6
page 7
page 8
page 9
page 10
pages 11 & 12
page 13
page 14
and finally the back cover
So there it is in all it's full glory! :) I had so much fun putting this together and like said I can't wait to get the pictures in it and give it to my son. I know he doesn't care for the whole scrapbooking thing but I know he loves to look at the layouts/mini's that are all about him. Hopefully he takes care of them so he will be able to share them with his children when that day comes.
So that's it for me today. I have many more projects to share with you in the coming days. So we'll see you then! ;)
Thanks for stopping by!

your mini looks so awesome!!